All Things Airways FAMTIMEbox

All Things Airways FAMTIMEbox


2 in stock (can be backordered)

Book your flight and grab your ticket – we’re taking to the skies! At All Things Airways you’ll take flight over the seven days of creation to see ALL the things God created. Land and sky, day and night, plants and animals, and people of course – a plane gives us the perfect view for all of them!

Each of the 7 activities included in this Family Time activity book go soaring through the beauty of God’s created world! Buckle your seatbelt and store your carry-ons it’s time to fly!

Your FAMTIMEbox includes the activity book and the simple supplies needed to enjoy each of the activities. The Travel Series boxes are made to be travel-friendly too!

2 in stock (can be backordered)



Our view from the plane starts at night, but then God creates light.

As we’re flying through the sky – we discover the sky we’re flying through was made by God on the second day of creation.

On day three, what’s that I see?? The land and the seas and all of the seed bearing plants and trees that God created.

Day 4 gets dark again… this is quite a long flight! We’ll see the 2 “great lights” (sun and moon) and all of the stars that were created by God. 

You might see some birds flying outside your window – mom and dad gave you the window seat, right?!? – and as we glide over the vast oceans we can see sea creatures. All of these were created by God on the 5th day of creation.

As we begin our descent, you can see the reason God was so busy on Day 6 of creation! We can see fields with wild animals, livestock, and even creatures moving along the ground. The captain announces that we are minutes from landing: the flight crew, you, me and the people all around us are the “mankind” that was God’s final creation. 

Flying can be tiring, but creating the whole world was an incredible feat. Did you know that on the 7th day of creation God rested? He blessed that day and made it holy. Let’s rest – even if you missed taking a nap on the plane because of all the exciting things to see!

*Supplies may vary slightly from those pictured. Although many supplies are for activities done as a group, when needed supplies for individuals are provided for 4 children.

Additional information

Weight 37.3 oz

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