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Sabbath Habits

Teaching Goal:  Live a balanced life by including times of rest. Scripture: Matthew 14:23  …And after [Jesus] had dismissed the crowds, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray.  When evening came, He was alone. Ecclesiastes 4:6 Better is one hand full of [...]

Sabbath Habits2021-04-28T22:46:11-06:00


Teaching Goal:  Jesus has superhero powers! Scripture:  John 8:59  At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds. Matthew 14:25-26  Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake.  When the disciples saw him walking [...]


Our Jesus Basket

Lent/Easter Season Teaching Goal:  Follow Jesus in every part of your life. Scriptures: Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. 1 Peter [...]

Our Jesus Basket2021-04-28T15:47:51-06:00

Cannonball Love

Idea From Mandy Arioto Devotional Teaching Goal:  Live so that the love of Christ in you is transferred to others. Scriptures: Ephesians 3:17-18 I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide [...]

Cannonball Love2023-06-08T16:30:55-06:00

Knock Sin Out of Our Lives

Teaching Goal:  We need Jesus to take our sin away so we can be back together with God. Scriptures: Romans 3:23  For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Hebrews 4:15  …but we have one {Jesus} who has been tempted in [...]

Knock Sin Out of Our Lives2021-04-27T15:50:51-06:00

Firm In The Faith

By Karen Noal Teaching Goal:  Our surroundings can strengthen or weaken our faith. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character. Romans 12:2  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your [...]

Firm In The Faith2021-04-26T18:19:41-06:00

Eye of the Needle

Teaching Goal:  You cannot take material possessions to heaven. Scripture: Matthew 19:23-24  Jesus said to his disciples, “I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.  Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel [...]

Eye of the Needle2021-04-26T16:28:49-06:00


Teaching Goal:  Jesus teaches us to share. Scripture:  John 6: Jesus feeds 5,000 - the boy with five loaves and two fish. Materials: Candy corn One picture of candy corn for each child Kitchen knife In Advance: Draw or find a picture of candy corn. [...]


Christmas Quiz

Teaching Goal:  What does the Bible really say about the birth of Jesus? Scripture: See Answer Sheet Materials: Copy of the quiz for each participant. (**Found in downloadable PDF version of this activity.) Copy of the answer sheet for the leader (**Found in downloadable PDF version [...]

Christmas Quiz2020-08-31T14:30:55-06:00

Christ the Ruler

Teaching Goal:  Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the truth and the way to God the Father. Scripture: John 14:6  Jesus answered:  “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 8:31-32  Jesus [...]

Christ the Ruler2023-05-04T18:46:34-06:00

Angels Are Powerful

Teaching Goal:  God’s powerful angels command respect and fear. Scripture: Joshua 5:14  Joshua has crossed the Jordan river and entered the promised land.  He meets an angel of the Lord.  “Joshua  fell face down to the ground in reverence.” Luke 2:9  An angel of the [...]

Angels Are Powerful2021-04-21T16:57:23-06:00

Bent and Torn

Teaching Goal: God is still with us and loves us when bad things happen Scripture: Acts 9:8-9 Saul {Paul} got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing…For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink [...]

Bent and Torn2021-04-21T17:40:17-06:00
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